Nepali Short Movie – “Husband & Wife ” Awareness

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Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival (KIMFF) cannot to be missed by film enthusiasts. Offering more than 80 short films from 25 countries, the 13th edition of KIMFF opened on December 10 with an “unbroken spirit” at Kumari Hall. And the gala of films will continue.

KIMFF was inaugurated by the festival jurors — Journalist Ed Douglas, Film Producer Eun-Young Kim, Film Editor Namrata Rao, and Film critic Premendra Nath Mazumder — by hitting a gong.The festival is being held amidst the fuel crisis and the reconstruction period (post April 25 Gorkha earthquake), to which Basanta Thapa, Chair of KIMFF Organising Committee, expressed, “The fact that we are holding the festival amidst all the odds is the demonstration of our unbroken spirit.” He also shared about the response they received from the film-makers around the world as “hugeand overwhelming ”.

The jurors also expressed a few words in the opening ceremony. Empathising with the quake and blockade, Douglas shared it was a “pleasure to be here”.And Kim mentioned that she is doing her best to select best films with other members. “It is an honour to be invited to such a wonderful and meaningful event,” she said.

भिडियो हेर्न तलको विज्ञापनलाई हटाउनुहोस


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.