“Bachhu Kasari

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Dhital Films Private Limited presented a lok dohori song of Nisha Shahi Thakuri titled “Bachhu Kasari” is now available in social sharing on line site from the official subscribe channel of Music Nepal. This song can also be use in mobile cell phones as ring back tunes by the users of NCELL and UTL users. Singers of this latest lok dohori song are Ramji Khand and Nisha Shahi Thakuri. Alluring lyrics and accurate music for the song is written and composed by Kiran Babu Pun and Shahadev Khadka respectively. Production and distribution of this song are done by Dhital Films Private Limited.

In the video of this latest sentimental lok dohori song “Bachhu Kasari”, Nisha Shahi Thakuri, Iswor Shrestha and Bhagwat Shah are starring directed by Hom Dhital. Cinematographer Rabindra Baral and editor Roshan Dhital makes a full and complete music video matching to audio part of the song. Post production is done by Dhital Films Private Limited.
In the video of this song, a love couple is sharing their time and feelings at peaceful place. But these all are watching by lady’s father and give punishment to them. Father put her daughter at room and closed the door from outside. After this situation, both boy and girl feel their life hard to live. See the beautiful lok dohori sentimental song “Bachhu Kasari” below.

भिडियो हेर्न तलको विज्ञापनलाई हटाउनुहोस


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.