25 Women You Won’t Believe Actually Exist Around The World -

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This ranking of the most overrated celebrity women isn’t a “hot list” (see the Guyism 100 for that). These are ladies who we feel are overrated in the eyes of fans and the media. Yes, it’s possible to be beautiful and still be overrated. In fact, many of these women are gorgeous, they just don’t deserve as much attention as they get. So let’s put that characteristic aside for today’s discussion.

This also doesn’t mean we don’t like all of these women. In fact, we love many of them. This is about hype. Using our super scientific formulas, equations, graphs and flowcharts we compared the ACTUAL HYPE that each celebrity receives versus the DESERVED HYPE we feel they should be receiving. The bigger the difference between the two scores, the higher they are on this list. Got it? Okay, let’s go - See more at: http://www.tajavdo.com/videos/25-women-you-wont-believe-actually-exist-around-the-world/#sthash.IimJFRaY.dpuf

भिडियो हेर्न तलको विज्ञापनलाई हटाउनुहोस


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.