Health of quake-affected kids- POWER NEWS

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The teaching-learning activities at the Shree Padma Higher Secondary School in Bhaktapur Durbar Square, which has around 1,900 students, have been adversely affected as the students are unwilling to attend the the TLC lately due to cold.Ram Hada, Head Teacher of the School, shared that students at the TLC are compelled to study under the extremes of weather.Many schools in Bhaktapur sustaining damages during the April 25 earthquake run classes as the TLCs, which apparently cannot shield students from heat, rain or cold, added Joshi. The School, which basks in the reputation of being the first school in the district, has been operating from the TLC since the quake damaged its old building infrastructures, according to Head Teacher Hada.Many students, mostly survivors of the April-May earthquakes, who attend classes at various Temporary Learning Centres in Bhakatpur Municipality, have started developing cold related sickness as the winter chill takes toll on their health.The Sharada Higher Secondary School has witnessed presence of students dec - See more at:

भिडियो हेर्न तलको विज्ञापनलाई हटाउनुहोस


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.